The quest for economic freedom

By Randell Tiongson on July 1st, 2011

In my many talks & seminars, I often remind the participants that the biggest problem of the nation is poverty. While my nationalistic ego is bruised every time I talk about our national quality of life, I need to constantly remind as many as I can that this situation of ours is something we should not accept — it should be something we must rally against.

I believe that education is key in solving most of our problems … the more we educate, the better our chance to improve our lives. Of course, when I say education, it goes beyond schools and books — it’s about education in every aspect of our lives.

Another consideration we should also look at is our economic freedom. I subscribe to the belief that if there is more economic freedom, there will be greater chances for better lives. Does economic freedom actually result to a better life? Watch the video below and you be the judge.

Thanks Dennis Sy for recommending this video to me.
