Re-engineering your life

By Randell Tiongson on July 15th, 2009

Everyday is a new adventure for me. My life today is so different from my life last year. I guess you can say that I ‘re-engineered’ my life, really.

As I was sifting through my messages, I was reminded of the changes I made in life by an article written by Nido Qubein.  Here’s an excerpt: When corporate leaders decide to re-engineer the corporation, they don’t just set out to improve the present system. They set out to create an entirely new system. When you set out to re-engineer your life, you’re not just improving your present circumstances. You’re creating a whole new set of circumstances, in keeping with your vision of what life should be. Harvard Business Review compares it with the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly.”

Leaving the corporate world was not an easy decision for me, it took me a long time consulting a lot of people and a lot of prayer before I was able to make such a big change in my life. I wrote about that life-changing process in a blog months ago, just in case you want to read it, click here.

Things have really changed for me and constantly changing for me. Being an independent has both advantages and disadvantages bu but I chose to focus on the advantages. I’d like to think that my jump was a natural evolution for me and I have no regrets for making that decision. I must admit that there are times that I am a bit anxious especially when it comes to money issues, I suppose that comes with the territory as a free-lance person. However, I just need to remember myself that I am plugged into the source of hope, the source of prosperity and the source of life itself — then the feeling of anxiety becomes a feeling of excitement.

Let me tell you about the pros and cons of my ‘re-engineering’.


1) Income flow — not all weeks are the same, there are good and not so good weeks. There are weeks that I get a lot of work while thre are weeks that I got no work, paid work at least.

2) Corporate benefits — this is something I probably miss the most. Medical insurance, allowances, bonuses, etc.

3) Co-workers — I miss my colleagues a lot. I’ve forged very good relationships with my colleagues and not seeing them as often is something that I miss. The chatting over coffee, strategic meetings, consultations — ahhh, great memories.


1) Time — do I need to elaborate further? I love the freedom to have more liberated approach to time management. These are small enjoyments that I relish — not getting up too early is one of them!

2) Opportunities — my being an independent opened up a lot of new doors for me to consider, particularly business. With partners, I find myself getting into more diversified endeavors. I’m into many things now like marine aquarium store, laminate distributorship, hologram projection business, and more. Further, I am seeing more opportunities for me in my main line of work, Personal Finance — this blog site is a testament to that. I also got to do more work for the Registered Financial Planner Institute and opened up more doors for them as well. There’s a cable talk show in the works for me; a road-show for OFWs; new websites (,, etc.) and then some more… all blessings from above indeed.

3) Income — this is a direct result of time and opportunity. I am really excited for this — goals have timelines and ‘dreams have deadlines’ (originally heard from Rex Mendoza of Ayala Land).

4) Family — I really enjoy my family more and more. Erly De Mesa (of Sun Life), a mentor of mine once told me that when in comes to family, quality is equivalent to quantity. I find enjoyment in my increased role in the lives of my children — picking the girls from school, reading the bible with the boys, preparing dinner for them, running errands for my wife… and yes, even laundry! I now have more time to not only date my  wife but to also date my kids! I just hope my teeanaged kids will have time to date their Dad, haha!

5) Relationship with God — this is perhaps the biggest advantage of all. When I left corporate, I also left the security it brings. I have learned to trust God more and more  be reliant of His grace. After forging a personal relationship with Christ, I needed to let Him take control of my life… and I am sure glad I did.

This blog is not a call for people to leave their job and be an independent. We all have our calling and regardless of where we are, we can live a victorious life if we are connected to the source of life. However, this is a challenge for us to look at change in a different light. Let us not be afraid to re-engineer our life, make a new you… a better you. I like to look at life in the context of a caterpillar. When a caterpillar goes through a metamorphosis, he becomes a butterfly — a butterfly is not an improved caterpillar, a butterfly is a totally new creature!

Apostle Paul probably best described what re-engineering is really about… “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” — 2 Corinthian 5:17

Maybe it’s time we ‘re-engineer’ our life.


The Generosity of the Father

By Randell Tiongson on June 29th, 2009

As I was listening to Pastor Chinkee Tan preach (flawlessly if I may add) about the generosity of our Father in heaven, I was making a self-reflection on how He has been blessing me and my family. His faithfulness knows no boundaries despite my unfaithfulness to Him. Do I deserve the blessings He showers upon me? Definitely not… but He blesses anyway because He is really, really generous.

Last December, my wife and I wrote our “Faith Goals” upon the suggestion of Pastor Larry and Yet Uy. Over half a year has passed and many things have changed since I blogged about my “Faith Goals”. I have resigned from a comfortable senior position with a multi-national insurance company to rely on being an independent with no idea where I will get my next pay. Let’s just say that although there are trials from time to time, my family has not been hungry since that decision. Let me do a mid-year review of my “Faith Goals”.

1. A thriving career as an independent speaker/trainer – When I wrote the blog, I was still an employee. I am still far from having a ‘thriving’ career but I do have that career now. I earn a living from my speaking engagements and it has so far been helpful in putting food in the table, roof over our heads and education of the kids. My career is shaping up and I’m getting there, step by step.

2. To be truly debt free – Not yet there, but getting there. This year, we managed to reduce some of our debts and it’s getting smaller. I believe in a breakthrough that we will substantially reduce our debts.

3. A healthy cash flow – still needs work, lots of work.

4. A Macbook – I didn’t exactly get a Macbook yet because of budget constraints… but I did get a Dell Laptop and this will do until I get my Mac!

5. An out of the country trip with Mia – Hmm, still working on this one but we did get the chance to go out of the country… but not together – I went to Singapore and Mia went to Macau.

6. Weekly speaking and training engagements – So far so good. I’m modifying this — I am praying for 4 engagements per week for the remainder of the year and onwards.

7. Start and finish my book – uhmm, next goal please.

8. Own column at Inquirer of Philippine Star – Not yet there but I got a new column at Uno Magazine.

9. My small group/ministry – I’m now leading a small group and I continue to do my work for the Kid’s Church. I also got to help out a new ministry, Communications.

10. My children as Youth Leaders – the spiritual growth of our kids are encouraging and while they are not leaders yet, they have good mentors in the faith that will lead them there, in God’s time.

11. Growth for Marine Hub – Our marine aquarium business (in Metrowalk) has been expanding; we registered a 50% increase in gross revenues from last year (same period). If only we start to see some real profits soon.

12. Growth for Quick Plate – This is my wife’s and sister-in-law’s catering business which has a lot of possibilities. They are working on ways to make it grow, by faith.

13. Growth for Income-Tacts – I thought we hit a dead-end here as this site has not been growing the way we envisioned it. Just last week, I got to talk to a new potential partner that will reformat, invigorate and monetize this site and it seems we will still see the expected growth this year.

14. More time for VCF Greenhills – Hmm, sometimes yes, sometimes no. Nice reminder.

15. A Deeper relationship with my wife and kids – work in progress.

I did not blog all of my “Faith Goals” and quite a number of them have already been realized – things like my own website (, tuition fees, home school, etc.

I must admit that to achieve said goals did not come easy for me. I needed to modify certain behaviours, change some mindsets and do sacrifices. I sold a car that I am very fond off so that I can drastically reduce my bank obligation; work on a shoe-string budget; aggressively market my services even if I was uncomfortable with the idea; etc. During my recent trip in Singapore, I resisted every urge to shop and really opted to eat the cheapest possible meals. My family has been great and understanding too – real troopers as we all get used to the adjustments we are undergoing.

However, no amount of work or sacrifices on my part would have made me realize my “Faith Goals”. Pastor Chinkee Tan’s earlier preaching reminded me that all these are possible because we have a truly and incredibly generous Father. He is not distant from us, He is aware of our needs and desires. He is not watching me fall down and reprimand me, He is with me guiding me in every step I take, keeping me from falling down. He is who He is because He is my Father and I am His son.

I am reminded once again by my Father’s generosity… “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened” (Matthew 7:7-8, NIV). All I need to do is ask and I must always ask by faith, child-like faith (Mark 10:14).

By faith, my goals will be achieved, not by my will but by my Father’s will. The formula to achieving all your goals is in Christ’s words – “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33).
